Firm News
What are DUI and DWAI cases?
In Colorado, DUI and DWAI cases may have a negative, long term impact on your life. The best thing you can get out of these cases is the withdrawal of your charges. The courts have several options depending on the circumstances, including jailing you for the charges.Here at the Law Offices of J.B. Katz,...
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How a felony could keep you from traveling
While many people may come to Colorado for vacation, if you live here, you may wish to visit another area. The U.S. offers many tourist attractions and great places to visit, but if you want to see the world, then you will need to go outside the country’s borders. This could pose a problem...
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Penalties for drug crimes in Colorado
Colorado courts typically consider drug possession for personal use a misdemeanor. Possession of large quantities of controlled substances or other evidence that indicates trafficking can result in felony charges.Understand the penalties for various levels of drug crimes before facing state charges for these offenses.Misdemeanor drug offensesHuffing, which Colorado law defines as abusing toxic vapors,...
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Does defelonizing fentanyl possession send a mixed message?
Earlier this year, Colorado state lawmakers passed a bill defelonizing possession of most drugs for personal use. Under the new law, you could theoretically possess up to four grams of most drugs and only face a misdemeanor. This includes opioids such as carfentanil and fentanyl, which are so potent that a few milligrams or...
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How serious is a stalking charge in Colorado?
Stalking is such a pervasive crime that one of the first lines of Colorado’s legislation on the subject states, “Stalking is a serious problem in this state and nationwide,” as conveyed by the Stalking Resource Center. The text further goes on to say that because the general assembly recognizes the seriousness of the crime...
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Are your blood alcohol test results accurate?
Residents in Colorado who are pulled over on suspicion of a DUI-related crime will likely have to take some sort of test to determine what your blood alcohol content (BAC) levels are. These tests can vary in reliability. The most reliable of them is a blood test. By taking a sample of blood directly...
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Is your prescription impairing your ability to drive?
Depending on your general health, you may take several medications to live a happy, productive life in Colorado. When you get behind the wheel, your legal prescription medication could make police suspect you of driving under the influence. AAA Senior Driving takes a look at the issue. While aimed at elderly motorists, the insights can apply...
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How does Colorado define stalking?
It goes without saying that everyone in Breckenridge is expected to exercise good judgment. That said, your definition of good judgment may often differ from that of another. Take the example of a romantic pursuit. When you are interested in someone, it may seem perfectly natural for you to seek that person out in...
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The risks of an underage DUI
As with every state in the country, Colorado has a zero-tolerance for underage drunk driving. This is a serious issue that the law takes a firm stance against. Drunk driving among legal adults is problematic enough, but when you add in those underage, it becomes something everyone needs to pay attention to. The National Safety Council explains...
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What is an ignition interlock device?
If you have received a DUI, you know first-hand the myriad of consequences that accompany this violation. In addition to paying hefty fines, state law may require you to have an ignition interlock device installed in your vehicle. Designed to measure your blood alcohol content level, these devices control your ability to operate your...
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3 things to know about the felony DUI law
One of the great things about the United States is that you can travel across the country and experience all the variations between states. You may even have the chance to experience things you never could at home, such as a winter in Colorado where the snow is high and the skiing is good....
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Can a DUI impact your scholarships?
As a Colorado resident who is intending to go to college and relying on scholarships or financial aid to do so, a DUI-related conviction can throw your plans into chaos. We at the Law Offices of J.B. Katz, P.C. are here to discuss how a DUI conviction can impact your scholarships or financial aid.The...
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