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Posted July 6, 2020

You can get a DUI with no alcohol in your system

Most people relate a DUI to driving while drunk, but drivers can get a DUI without having a sip of alcohol. That is because DUI stands for driving under the influence, so anything that negatively influences driving abilities can result in this charge.Many people take prescription drugs for a variety of issues, but not...
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Posted May 4, 2020

How may a routine traffic stop lead to a DUI charge?

Colorado law enforcement may pull over your vehicle based on observable signs of a traffic violation or unusual driving behavior. Swerving or stopping unnecessarily may attract an officer’s attention. What happens next could have a significant effect on your driving privileges. A first-time offense with a high blood alcohol content level may result in at...
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Posted April 21, 2020

Auto brewery syndrome and drunk driving charges

Some people might assume that when a driver is charged with an impaired driving offense, they must have been consuming alcohol either prior to or while driving. That, however, may not be the case. There is a rare medical condition that can result in a person having an elevated blood alcohol content even if...
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Posted February 29, 2020

Express consent requires drivers to submit to chemical testing

The Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles explains that when you drive a motor vehicle on the state’s streets and highways, you are subject to the express consent law. This means that you must consent to chemical testing if law enforcement stops you for reasonable suspicion of driving under the influence or while impaired by alcohol or...
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Posted January 22, 2020

What are DUI and DWAI cases?

In Colorado, DUI and DWAI cases may have a negative, long term impact on your life. The best thing you can get out of these cases is the withdrawal of your charges. The courts have several options depending on the circumstances, including jailing you for the charges.Here at the Law Offices of J.B. Katz,...
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Posted October 23, 2019

Can a DUI impact your scholarships?

As a Colorado resident who is intending to go to college and relying on scholarships or financial aid to do so, a DUI-related conviction can throw your plans into chaos. We at the Law Offices of J.B. Katz, P.C. are here to discuss how a DUI conviction can impact your scholarships or financial aid.The...
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Posted August 29, 2019

Penalties for Colorado DUI

While many states maintain a legal blood alcohol content limit of 0.08%, Colorado drivers receive penalties for BAC of 0.05% or higher when operating a vehicle. This latter charge, driving while ability impaired, carries the same penalties as driving under the influence, except for the first offense.Explore the potential consequences of DWAI and DUI...
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Posted August 28, 2019

What is Colorado’s procedure for setting up DUI checkpoints?

With Labor Day weekend right around the corner, it is important that you understand your rights regarding DUI checkpoints. Fortunately for you, Colorado’s procedures for setting up DUI checkpoints are fairly friendly to the general public. The Colorado Department of Transportation details those procedures in depth.First and foremost, the state has strict criteria for...
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Posted July 24, 2019

Why are DUI checkpoints announced?

You probably have seen on the news an announcement of an upcoming DUI checkpoint somewhere in or around Breckenridge. When you see this announcement, you may think how silly it is to tell everyone there is a checkpoint. How will law enforcement catch anyone driving drunk if everyone knows where they are? This is...
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Posted May 20, 2019

Did a faulty breath test result in your arrest?

Your drive home was routine, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary until you saw the flashing lights behind you. Before you knew it, you were sitting in the back of a police car under arrest for drunk driving. Things only got worse from there because your breath analysis test showed that your blood...
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Posted February 3, 2017

Creative ways to help your guests avoid DUI

Who doesn’t love a great party? In fact, if you’re like others in Colorado who just recently celebrated the holiday season and New Year, you probably went to (or hosted) a few parties of your own. With Valentine’s Day just around the bend, many people are already working on plans for more romantic celebrations....
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Posted February 2, 2017

Were your rights violated?

If your childhood was anything like those of many others in Colorado, you might have been taught to always respect and obey authority. Fast forward to a moment in time when you look in your rear view mirror and see flashing red and blue lights atop a police car. Those childhood lessons likely kick...
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