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Posted May 18, 2022

Motivations behind false domestic violence claims 

There are far more genuine claims of domestic violence than false claims. Nonetheless, false claims of domestic violence are still frequent enough to warrant further consideration. What motivates individuals to make up such serious allegations? What are your options if you find yourself wrongfully accused? Divorce and separation Sometimes, marriages and other romantic relationships can come to...
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Posted May 12, 2022

Can DUI charges follow you out of state?

If you have ever worried about whether certain crimes will follow you when you leave the state, you should know that a charge for driving under the influence is particularly difficult to escape.Even if you leave the state, chances are that a Colorado DUI conviction will follow you.Getting charged with a DUIYou can get...
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Posted May 11, 2022

How to protect your mental health if accused of a crime

One minute, life was looking rosy. Then, out of the blue, you found yourself arrested. It might feel like your whole world has been turned upside down in a split second.Everything you worked so hard for could be left in tatters if you are convicted. How will your partner cope if you go to...
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