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Posted March 23, 2022

Accused of domestic violence? Now what?

If your partner accuses you of domestic violence, you need to act fast to protect your liberties. Colorado police will arrest you, and a court will automatically put a restraining order on you if someone accuses you of domestic violence.It means you need to find a temporary place to stay, as you are not...
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Posted March 17, 2022

Important reasons to hire local counsel when charged with a crime while traveling

When you are charged with a crime while traveling, on the road or in a jurisdiction away from home, your case stays in the area of the crime. This often poses a challenge when it comes to finding adequate representation.If charged with a crime outside of the jurisdiction of your permanent residence, it is...
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Posted March 9, 2022

Defending DUI charges means protecting your career

There are severe criminal penalties associated with DUI convictions but the impacts of such charges also have wide-ranging effects. Generally, DUI cases involve attending court over an extended period of time, which can take its toll on the family. You might also have to miss days from work and other important family events.It is...
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