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Posted July 31, 2020

DUI penalty may increase distracted driving

A person in Colorado arrested for a suspected driving under the influence charge may be required to install and use an ignition interlock device in order to regain their driving privileges.The IID aims to prevent repeat impaired driving events by keeping a lock on a vehicle’s ignition until the driver passes a breath test.Colorado’s...
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Posted July 29, 2020

Breaking down the basics of a breath test measurement

Previous posts on this blog share a good deal of information about breath testing to determine intoxication. Yet one question that you (along with many of those that come to see us here at the Law Offices of J.B. Katz, P.C.) may have is why would law enforcement officials choose to test your breath...
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Posted July 27, 2020

Aunt Amy’s chocolate chip cookies and your breathalyzer test

On the way home from a celebration for your cousin and his new job, a police officer pulled you over on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol. You had a glass of wine with your steak dinner and your Aunt Amy’s chocolate chip cookies for dessert. How will all this affect your breath...
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Posted July 6, 2020

You can get a DUI with no alcohol in your system

Most people relate a DUI to driving while drunk, but drivers can get a DUI without having a sip of alcohol. That is because DUI stands for driving under the influence, so anything that negatively influences driving abilities can result in this charge.Many people take prescription drugs for a variety of issues, but not...
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