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Posted January 22, 2020

What are DUI and DWAI cases?

In Colorado, DUI and DWAI cases may have a negative, long term impact on your life. The best thing you can get out of these cases is the withdrawal of your charges. The courts have several options depending on the circumstances, including jailing you for the charges.Here at the Law Offices of J.B. Katz,...
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Posted January 22, 2020

Do you need a breathalyzer in Colorado?

Colorado laws on drunk driving are so strict that you may need to take a blood alcohol content test before driving. Therefore, authorities encourage you to have a breathalyzer to determine whether your blood-alcohol content allows you to drive on Colorado roads.Currently, taking blood tests is the easiest way to determine whether you are...
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Posted January 13, 2020

How a felony could keep you from traveling

While many people may come to Colorado for vacation, if you live here, you may wish to visit another area. The U.S. offers many tourist attractions and great places to visit, but if you want to see the world, then you will need to go outside the country’s borders. This could pose a problem...
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Posted January 6, 2020

Penalties for drug crimes in Colorado

Colorado courts typically consider drug possession for personal use a misdemeanor. Possession of large quantities of controlled substances or other evidence that indicates trafficking can result in felony charges.Understand the penalties for various levels of drug crimes before facing state charges for these offenses.Misdemeanor drug offensesHuffing, which Colorado law defines as abusing toxic vapors,...
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