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Assault weapons banned in Boulder

Posted on May 16, 2018

Even though the state has not banned them and nothing has been done on the federal level, the city of Boulder proceeded with a ban. The Boulder City Council recently got to vote on it, and it passed unanimously.

Certainly, that does not mean it will stand indefinitely. Even before it passed, legal action had been threatened. There are those who believe that such a ban infringes on the Second Amendment, and they are threatening to sue. They also claim that the Colorado Constitution itself was violated by the new ban.

As such, it will be important to keep an eye on the legal proceedings to see if the ban is overturned or if it stands even after the challenges.

Under the ban, people cannot possess assault weapons or sell them within the city. They cannot own or sell bump stocks, which make it possible to fire a semi-automatic weapon at a fast rate, or high-capacity magazines.

One of the big questions every time this debate comes up is exactly what an “assault weapon” is. Does that term just mean automatic weapons, which are already banned, or does it mean semi-automatic weapons, like the AR-15, which look like military weapons?

The city made this process easy for lawmakers by simply saying they would get to define what was and was not an “assault weapon” in Boulder. It is also worth noting that the ban grandfathers in weapons people bought prior to the new law.

This ban could significantly change potential weapons charges in the area, which is why it’s so important for residents to stay up-to-date on the law.

Source: Daily Camera, “Boulder City Council unanimously passes ban on assault weapons,” Shay Castle, May 15, 2018

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