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Posted December 31, 2015

The Major League’s domestic violence policies and male victims

When domestic abuse is being claimed, it’s often assumed that the woman is the person being abused. The truth is that not all people who are abused are women, although they do make up the majority. Dusty Baker, the manager for the Washington Nationals, recently discussed the importance of understanding that women can be...
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Posted December 20, 2015

You can protect your reputation after claims of assault

Assault and battery charges can put your future and current reputation at risk. Even a charge and allegations against you can suddenly make you look like the bad guy you aren’t, just because the media makes it look that way. You have a right to protect the person you are from those who want...
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Posted December 18, 2015

Fight DUI charges to keep your record clean

If you’ve been accused of drinking and driving, your reputation and life as you know it can be at risk of changing in a number of ways. Your family may be disappointed, friends may look down on your choices or your workplace may even let you go due to provisions in your contract. Many...
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Posted December 11, 2015

Should teen sexting be a felony?

The Internet is a part of most people’s lives today. One age group who seems to be unable to function unless their hands, fingers and brains are working the buttons on a cellphone may quickly find themselves charged with a felony if they are sexting. In Canon City, Colorado, earlier this year, more than...
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