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Posted June 27, 2014

Colorado suspects may wish to create assault defense

When a person is charged in relation to alleged criminal activity, their mind may begin to turn as they attempt to fathom the decisions that they will soon need to make. By exploring their options and understanding how their circumstances may affect the routes they take, accused parties may be able to better decide...
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Posted June 18, 2014

Officer arrested for alleged domestic violence in Colorado

Though law enforcement officers are in place to uphold the law, they can at times find themselves facing difficult legal situations of their own. If an officer is faced with domestic violence charges, that individual should still have the ability to defend against such allegations. Though they may already have a working knowledge of...
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Posted June 16, 2014

Colorado man could face new trial for alleged murder

When an individual is charged with a serious crime, it is their right to have a fair trial. This trial should abide by strict legal standards, and individuals should not face any bias. If a party is convicted of a serious crime such as murder and some sort of bias is found to have...
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Posted June 6, 2014

Colorado men may hope to build criminal defense

When individuals plead not guilty to a crime they have been accused of, they may wish to ensure that they are preparing a meaningful defense. When creating a criminal defense, parties may wish to examine any evidence that the prosecution may have against them, and they may also want to present any relevant evidence...
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