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Accused! The dangers of talking with police officers alone

Posted on November 2, 2018

When people are accused of serious felonies like murder or sexual assault, many of them feel that getting a defense attorney is nearly the same as confessing. After all, if you are innocent, then why would you need someone to defend you against the allegations? Police officers explain the simple truth of why you need a lawyer when they read you your rights: “Anything you say will be used against you in a court of law.”

The desire to defend oneself and avoid severe charges is strong in most people. However, attempting to mount a defense alone in the face of a police interrogation may not turn out the way you expect. When law enforcement personnel interrogate suspects accused of felonies, they are allowed to take liberties with what really happened.

For example, it is perfectly legal for interrogating officers to stretch the truth. During many interrogations, the officers routinely assert that they already know what happened, and they just need to hear your side of the event. Although it is not permitted, some interrogators even go so far as to imply that the suspect can leave if they just admit to what happened.

We have worked with many defendants in Colorado who believed they could withstand a police interrogation without admitting to a crime. Unfortunately, some people crumble after hours of interrogation, admitting to a crime that may not have committed. We believe this is an unconscionable affront to the American justice system.

Our lawyers want to urge anyone accused of a crime to take a different approach. Exercise your rights and do not talk with the police. The best thing to say to any police officer investigating you for a felony is: I want a lawyer. Once you have said that, do not say anything else. This approach is not an admission of guilt. It is your constitutional right.

Please keep reading about building a defense against felonies by browsing our blog posts and studying the information on our defense pages.

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